Once you’ve started experiencing hearing loss, you’ll go through a range of emotions. Confusion and sadness can often be among these. At some point, however, you’ll need to consult an audiologist about the issue. That’ll benefit you in multiple ways. Firstly, it’ll determine the cause of your hearing loss while helping to slow its progress. Secondly is that you’ll be told about hearing aids.

You might know a bit about these already. What you may not realize; however, is that there are several types of hearing devices. You’ll need to know what these are to determine which one you should get. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, they’re all worth considering.

In-the-Ear (ITE) Hearing Aids

ITE hearing aids are one of the more comfortable hearing aid options to choose. They rest in the lower part of your outer ear bowl. Alongside being comfortable, they offer several other advantages. They’re slightly larger than their canal counterparts, thanks to their larger battery.

The battery life should be noticeably longer than you’ll see with some alternatives. That size also means that several other features are included in the hearing aid. A directional microphone is one of the more notable, which lets you hear sounds from certain directions more clearly.

Behind-the-Ear (BTE) Hearing Devices

As you’d expect from the name, BTE hearing devices rest on top of your outer ear. They’ll typically be customized to match the curvature of your ear. That customizability is one of the more attractive benefits to these. Not only should they rest easier, but you can also choose a specific color.

Many people choose to match their BTE hearing aids with their skin tone. By doing so, it stands out much less than it otherwise would have. They also use rechargeable batteries, many of which can last quite a while. Depending on which of these you get, you shouldn’t have to worry about power throughout the day.

In-the-Canal (ITC) Hearing Aids

ITC hearing aids are quite popular, as they are one of the most discreet options to choose. They’re typically custom-fitted to the inside of your ear. Your audiologist will typically make an impression of your ear to do this. As a result, they shouldn’t be visible from most angles. That can be one of the more appealing benefits to these.

Coupled with that is matching the device to your skin tone. That will enhance the discreteness of these. Where exactly in your ear they go can depend on your condition, alongside the make and model.

Choosing between hearing aids can be difficult. You’ll not only have different styles to consider but also the multiple features that are on offer. Speaking with an audiologist can make the process much easier. You can utilize their expertise to choose the right option for your hearing loss. With that, you shouldn’t have a problem getting through your daily life without your hearing loss affecting you.